Battle For Object Wiki
Battle For Object Wiki

"Well go buy one, Garlic and Cheese, It's not my problem!"Bad Brain, "Taste the Violence!"
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Garlic and Cheese are a duo contestant in BFO:DD, and failed debuter in BFO:H. Cheese is shy and quiet, but extremely intelligent and attentive, as shown by her recoding of Robot Spongy, and Garlic is loudmouthed and commanding of Cheese. They are also married, the ceremony happening on screen in BFO: Holidaily Episode 5: Holly Jolly Kiss-mas!.

It's noted by Garlic and Cheese's recommender that if Garlic falls off of Cheese's head, she dies[1]. This however, has yet to be shown on screen, except in an animation error in BFO: Daily Dose Episode 3: Alliances Formed; Divorces Undone
