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Battle For Object Wiki

"Well go buy one, Jolly Feast, It's not my problem!"Bad Brain, "Taste the Violence!"
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Jolly Feast is a Genderless contestant in BFO:Holidaily. Though taking up one contestant slot, 3 Jolly Feasts in total appear in the series, with many more assumedly existing due to the Sloppy Corporation.


the first jolly feast personality is unknown because he was killed as soon has the first jolly feast Was revealed

The second jolly feast was slightly rude, when hair tuft barley said the challenge, he denied the challenge and was very cocky, he was then killed

The third jolly feast was goofy and a little dumb, in BFOH 8, he became very stupid and slowly started becoming stupider and insane, has jolly feast was not made to last 2 days
